Merry, Merry, Happy, Happy
Hope you all have a good holiday season, and that the New Year finds you well.
Actually we all are, but most of us do not see it, or
just swallow what is fed to us hook, line and sinker.
I don't buy it, any of it.
We all need to think for ourselves, become more educated, and be critical thinkers.
...Hegelian dialectic (thesis, antithesis, synthesis: the deliberate creation of a problem resulting in a panicked reaction, leading the masses to accept a predetermined solution it would never have accepted before. The entire "war on terrorism" is taking on a character very much like this. (I sometimes tell people that when the federal government declares "war" on anything, your best bet is to put your hands over your head and run for cover. All one need do is look at the "wars" on poverty and drugs, and wonder why the "war" on terrorism will be any different.)