Are You Evil?
This is very cool.
Take the Test
By the way I came up 49% evil, which I concider a good balance of the Yin and the Yang. lol
Actually we all are, but most of us do not see it, or
just swallow what is fed to us hook, line and sinker.
I don't buy it, any of it.
We all need to think for ourselves, become more educated, and be critical thinkers.
Okay, let's pretend that whole "support our troops" mantra is not a cynical ploy to get Boobus Americanus to shut up while THE MAN sends American "boys and girls" to invade and occupy foreign countries. Let's pretend these troops are protecting the East Coast from an imminent attack from the combined forces of Iceland and Greenland, while simultaneously others are sent to defend the West Coast from that Rogue State Aggressor, Tahiti.
Why are veterans losing benefits? Why are troops unfortunate enough to be wounded in action losing combat pay and money sent to their families? Why on earth is the "mightiest military in history" so lacking in "support" for its own troops that families and friends of those troops have to pitch in to buy the proper body armor? Is this 21st century America or 15th century Poland? $400 billion and the troops aren't even supplied with the "best gear" to do the job (of defending the "Homeland" from two-pronged invasion from Tahiti on the West and the Greenland-Iceland Axis on the East).
Thank you for your follow-up letter. As before, I continue to be interested in your opinions, and I am glad you shared your thoughts with me.
Best wishes.
Carl Levin
Under Federal Election Commission rules, FEC personnel are prohibited from publicly discussing enforcement matters. Accordingly, I am unable to comment. I appreciate your interest in federal election law matters. Pleasedo not hesitate to contact me in the future with any further comments or concerns.
Michael E. Toner
Federal Election Commission
THEM: He's against This or That!ME: Then why did he vote/order it?
THEM: Well he was lied to/received bad information!ME: Then why did I not believe the information from the beginning, am I smarter/better informed?
THEM: If you vote for the other guy all kinds of bad things will happen!ME: And if I vote for your guy who voted/allowed the bad things in the first place, I am suppose to believe that more Bad Things" will not happen?