The Philosophy Of Liberty for Dummies
This is the most direct and concise explanation of the basic philosophy of liberty I have ever seen.
If you sometimes wonder where I am coming from, this all you need to understand the principles I hold dear.
This plainly illustrates why I rant against Marxists statists, fascists, fundamentalists, or any other "ists" for that matter.
How I can be for the legalization of drugs, but also against gun control laws, why I am for freedom of religion but against religion based morality laws, such as the numerous "Defense of Marriage" laws being proposed.
I am neither on the right or left of issues, but stand firmly in the middle the pro-liberty side of all issues.
To most people I do not fit into a neat little box, that is until you understand what liberty is, then the box becomes very apparent.
This is about 5 minutes long, and requires Flash to be installed on your computer, If you do not have Flash installed, this is a great reason to do so.
I hope you enjoy it, but more importantly understand it and practice it in your day to day life.
The Philosophy Of Liberty
Enjoy the weekend all.